The MiaGB consortium is one of the largest efforts of several pioneer scientists in the microbiome and aging research to develop a deeper understanding of how the microbiome impacts our gut, brain, and muscle health. A team of multidisciplinary investigators is combining powerful multi-omics using cutting-edge technologies of metagenomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, genotyping, immunophenomics, mitochondrial function, and artificial intelligence to develop a unique resource and databank for the microbiome in aging researchers.
If you are interested to collaborate for ancillary studies, secondary analyses, and new sites, please contact us

Pilot Grants
Call for New Pilot and Ancillary applications:
There are multiple pilot grant opportunities with MiaGB consortium to be utilized for additional analyses such as proteomics, transcriptomics, small RNAs, immunomics, metabolomics and other ancillary analyses. If you are interested in apply for pilot or ancillary grants, please submit your brief proposal to Dr. Hariom Yadav- with following details:
We prefer to schedule a call before sending your proposal.
Ongoing/past pilot grants:
Ancillary Grants
Call for New Ancillary Studies.
MiaGB consortium is actively looking for new areas and sites to expand. If you are interested in apply for pilot or ancillary grants, please submit your brief proposal to Dr. Hariom Yadav- with following details:
We prefer to schedule a call before sending your proposal.
Ongoing/past ancillary studies:
PI: Shalini Jain, PhD
From 2023-2025
PI: Hariom Yadav, PhD
Co-PI: Michal Masternak, PhD
From 2023-2025 (Pending)